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Request for contributions

and change of snail mail address

Dear comrades,

We would like to inform you that the there is a change in the snail mail address that should be used for communicating with Union Confederation "Anarcho-syndicalist initiative" from Serbia. From now on, the address which should be used for communicating with International Secretariat of our organization is:

Poštanski pretinac 6
11077 Beograd

The address of our research/publishing center, Center for Libertarian Studies (CLS) has also changed, and CLS can now be reached at:

Poštanski pretinac 6
11077 Beograd

This is opportunity to call all of you, who are still not sending your publications to us, to start doing so. We are hosting only anarchist library in Serbia, and many fellow workers and comrades have opportunity to read new publications from the anarchist movement in it.

We hope you will direct all your correspondence to the new, updated address, and that we will continue being in contact!

Best anarchist greetings.

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Napravio: rata zadnja izmena: Nedelja 12. February 2006. [01:35:05 UTC] od rata

Narodni ustanak u Grčkoj

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