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VIII Principles of functioning of the structures of ASI

Article 75

All decisions made within certain structure are valid provided that the following conditions are satisfied:
  • the condition that the meeting of the certain structure was valid is the presence of at least one third of the members of the structure;
  • the decisions are made by a two-third majority of the votes of the present members or the delegates, with the respect of quorum;
  • in the case of the impossibility of the decision-making, decision on the questionable matter postpones until the next decision-making session of the structure;
  • respecting the principles of individual and collective freedom each member, Enterprise/Profession Union, District Group, organization mentioned in the 4. paragraph of the article 10 of this Statute, Local Group and Regional Confederation is free to decide not to take part in the exercise of the decision made by other members or structures in the case of the personal disagreement with the decision of the geographically wider structure or after the referendum held within the structure on the questionable matter. On the other hand, there is firmly stated obligation not to act in contradiction of the decision of the structure;
  • The Enterprise/Profession Union, the District Group, organization mentioned in the 4. paragraph of the article 10 of this Statute, the Local Group and the Regional Confederation is free to decide not to accept to co-opt certain person or structure;
  • all structures of ASI dispose of the complete freedom of creating various sport, thematic, cultural-artistic and other societies and organizations, when the enthusiasm of the membership of that structures inclines in that direction;
  • all structures of ASI delegated to perform certain functions within ASI can, for the purpose of higher quality of fulfillment of their tasks, contact and engage all other members of ASI that might be useful for the job;
  • in order to avoid all sorts of abuses, the Statute of ASI determines the frequency of the meetings and the basic issues to be treated at the meetings of the Enterprise/Profession Unions, the District and Local Groups without formed unions;
  • at the meetings of the Enterprise/Profession Unions, the District and Local Groups without formed unions, as well as at the meetings of all Secretariats within the organization the minutes must be taken accurately and sent at the end of the month to the archive of the CLS;
  • the issues that must be treated at the meeting of Enterprise/Profession Unions, the District and Local Groups without formed unions are as follows: the election of the record-keeper, the reading of the written correspondence received/sent in between the two meetings, the analysis of the efficiency of the exercise of the decisions introduced into the minutes on the occasion of the previous meeting, the analysis of the actions and the happenings in between the two meeting, proposals for the next possible actions.

Article 76

  • The individuals and the structures performing the functions in all structures of ASI are revocable in every moment. On the request submitted by the one third of the respective structure to the Secretariat the referendum is organized on the subject of the confidence to the individual, individuals or entire structure delegated to perform the function;
  • If more than 50% of the membership of that structure expresses distrust regarding the individual, individuals or entire structure performing certain function, extraordinary congress or meeting of the respective structure is organized with only one point of the agenda: the election of someone new to perform the function within the structure.

Article 77

The meetings of all structures of ASI are held at least once per month.

Article 78

  • The documents of all the structures of ASI are available to all the members of ASI at any given moment;
  • The Secretariats of structures of ASI are in charge of enabling of exercise of that right.

Next chapter

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